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02 May 2017 3 Money Tips for a New Graduate

Spring is my favorite time of the year. We become more active with outside activities, start to travel and of course our expenditures increase. The month of May also means graduations and new beginnings for many young adults. I want to share with you the...

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26 Apr 2017 Financial Detox

I am sure when you hear word “Detox,” you automatically think of diet and cleansing your body and mind. No argument here. All of these are practices are very much needed. However, today I would like to focus on our finances. Guess what? Your money...

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11 Apr 2017 Privacy anyone?…Not anymore!

‍It has become extremely difficult for consumers to navigate and manage the privacy of their financial and non-financial lives. The world is changing at a fast speed. Technological advancements allow us to have access to information at the tip of our fingers. But those advancements...

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10 Apr 2017 Correction is Coming?

The correction is coming, the correction is coming. Do I sound like Paul Revere announcing the British? Well, yes, that’s my intention. Now I wrote this same introduction three years ago. Not much has changed. I am saying the same thing:...

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27 Mar 2017 Goals Are Important

We are in the goal business. Helping people define, refine and achieve their financial goals. What does it take to achieve and surpass financial goals?...

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17 Mar 2017 Smart moves for your tax refund

2017 Tax season is finally here. Many of you already completed your tax returns and many are still working on them, including me. Gosh, life used to be so simple when I didn’t own a business and only had W-2 income!...

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