Near Or Entering Retirement

01 Sep 2016 Financial Planning for the 21st Century

The world is changing quickly, and it’s time for financial planning advice to catch up. It’s no longer commonplace to work at one company for your entire career and walk away with a nice pension to help you live a comfortable life in retirement. New technology...

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27 Jul 2016 Smart Steps to Plan for Retirement

Many people worry that Social Security retirement benefits and Medicare won’t be available to them in the future. Recent reports from the Social Security and Medicare trustees indicate that if Congress doesn’t act to better fund these programs, they will face shortfalls in the coming...

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13 Jul 2016 For Social Security Benefits, Timing Is Key

When to begin receiving Social Security benefits is one of the most frequently asked questions among those nearing retirement. The answer is complicated because there are so many factors involved, some of which are not easy to quantify or predict. For instance, you’d have to...

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