Most of us learned what we know about money from sitting around the dining room table, hearing our parents talk, or maybe even argue about money. That’s our first memory, good or bad. It was our first exposure to financial management. Money isn’t just a means to an end, it’s an emotion, and for some, it carries a lot of emotional baggage. How do you overcome your money memories and build a new way of thinking for yourself and your family’s financial health? Here are three tips to get you on your way.
1. Vision Board: The days of flipping through magazines and making cutouts of your dream life may make you laugh, but our 90s-selves were on to something. Have a visual representation of your financial future and make it a reality.
2.Daily Gratitude: Start a gratitude list every day for those people and things you are most grateful for. Filling your mind with what you have can be as powerful as focusing on what you don’t have. And as you start to make your own money memories, you can feel accomplished if you stop and take notice.
3. Money Aggregation: Check on your money every day. This may seem a bit much for some, but knowing where you stand and having a complete picture of where you give you focus to manifest your reality. Use aggregation apps like Mint to get a complete picture of your finances. Remember, you control your own destiny. Don’t be held back by outdated or incorrect myths and ideas about money perpetrated by family members or society. Forge your own path and take control of your money mindset.